Knowing your own self worth, never kowtowing to them but meeting them at the right point and giving in only if need be. I admire the way he brought Eva down to earth, that's what women respect in a man. I kinda felt sympathy when I realised she'd given up on her life when her parents died to raise and care for her siblings, but the time came to take a backseat, she moved on and was woman enough to breach the gap she'd created between her siblings and their men.LL Cool J was smooth as the player who took her on a bet. Gabrielle Union was a delight to watch as ice queen Eva Dandridge who's been jilted by a one time-fiancée, watching over her sisters with a ruthless passion and closely guarding her heart against intrusion. Movie a trait which is played down in most Black flicks, there's been a recent departure from the gangsta and hood epics or drugs and money flicks. As a product of Black Cinema its one of the best romantic comedies of recent memory. As a retelling of Shakespeare's Taming Of The Shrew its pretty good. It was pretty funny at times and it was sweet.

I wasn't checking my watch every minute so that has to be a good sign.

Of course it's predictable but what movie isn't these days. He was good in Edison Force, S.W.A.T., Deep Blue Sea, Kingdom Come and here in Deliver Us From Eva.Critic are being too hard on this movie. When he did his first lead in Out Of Sync I laughed at him but now he's lot better. I think we need to give LL a little more credit as an actor. There is actually chemistry there and LL lends a certain charm to his character Raymond. I'll admit that LL Cool J and Gabrielle Union made a great looking couple on screen. I know women tend to act funny after receiving great sex but man was she goofy. The scene where she was in the beauty salon after a night of passion with Raymond had me on the floor rolling. I laughed a lot at Eva when her attitude changed around once she started to date Raymond. I know it's just a movie but that was pretty low what they did. I mean, kidnapping Raymond because his relationship was making theirs look bad was in bad taste. The people that really annoyed me were the black three stooges Mike, Tim and Darrell. I never looked at her the same after this role until I watched the movie recently and saw that her character wasn't that bad. Raymond ends up falling for Eva when he realizes that there is more to her than meets the eye.Gabrielle Union was perfect as the high-strung Eva.